Helping Hands Embassy Foundation is primarily involved in:

West Africa

Youth Education and Training

Providing basic education and training opportunities to children and adolescents of local communities to alleviate poverty and unemployment. Material and monetary support is also given to schools in the form of scholarships, books, computers and uniforms.

Healthcare Education and Prevention
Creating awareness and sensitization campaigns in rural centers on basic healthcare, family planning, sex education, immunization, vaccination and sanitation.

Helping the Disadvantaged

Supporting orphans, people with disabilities and street children with food, shoes, clothing, education and shelter.

Human Rights
Initiating, organizing and implementing human rights programs and workshops that promote and protect the rights of those living in rural areas, heightening their sense of civic responsibility and enhancing community leadership.

Food Security and Modern Agriculture

Promoting food security and modern agriculture in rural areas through initiatives in gardening, animal husbandry and poultry breeding.

Volunteering Programs
Organizing volunteer and work camp programs where local and international individuals and groups join hands and skills with the local population to foster developmental activities.
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Cultural Awareness
Educating and creating greater cultural awareness of developing countries such as Cameroon.